Acupuncture for Arthritis Pain
In this post we talk about what arthritis is and how acupuncture can be a treatment for arthritis.
Anyone living with arthritis can tell you how painful it is. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and often gets worse with age. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Popular treatments target pain and swelling. Top choices are corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. Similarly, pain killers and other prescription medications may be used. Doctors work with you to treat the symptoms of arthritis as the condition cannot be cured.
Did you know that acupuncture is an effective treatment option?
Acupuncture could be an excellent treatment option. Especially for those who would like to avoid taking medications. Acupuncture offers three key benefits. Therefore, it will make a world of difference in your arthritis pain:
- Reduces inflammation
- Releases endorphins
- Stimulates blood flow
Here is a deeper look.
Firstly, acupuncture stimulates the release of a hormone called cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a known anti-inflammatory hormone resulting in natural pain relief.
Secondly, endorphins are your body’s feel-good chemicals. We often hear about endorphins being released during exercise. This same effect happens during an acupuncture session. Endorphins create a reaction in your brain similar to a strong pain medication. This results in pain relief without actually having to take a pill.
Thirdly, acupuncture also increases blood flow in the same way that exercise does. Exercise is important for people who have arthritis. However, exercise is often difficult because arthritis limits movement. Acupuncture helps to move oxygen through your joints. By doing so, it makes it easier to use those joints.
Find out if acupuncture is a good addition to your arthritis treatment plan!
To conclude, acupuncture is a therapy option with very few side effects. However, a small number of people report feeling lightheaded, nauseated, or experience skin irritation. In any case, acupuncture will not interrupt your current treatment. You don’t have to continue living in pain! You can try a few sessions in addition to your current plan, allowing you to decide if acupuncture is right for you.
Looking for an acupuncturist in your area? Click here to get started!