3 Ways Acupuncture Contributes to Optimal Women’s Health
As we know, women today are swarmed by the health and beauty industry. Depression and anxiety are at an all-time high, sex is still secretive, and we are always looking for more beauty tricks. So, how can acupuncture play an important role in each of these women’s health areas? Read on.
1. Mental Health
To start, almost everyone you speak to these days is suffering from some type of mental health issue. Depression and anxiety are diagnosed at alarming rates. Did you know that acupuncture is a proven natural and effective treatment method? When stress builds inside of our bodies it creates blockages. Here is how acupuncture can help.
First, traditional Chinese medicine upholds that acupuncture will realign the body’s qi, or energy balance. Furthermore, when the pathways are unblocked via acupuncture, the energy flows freely providing relief.
From a scientific viewpoint, acupuncture creates a hormonal response in our body that mimics the same reaction created when we take prescription medications to help us feel better. Because of this, over several sessions of acupuncture, the need for these prescription medications can be eliminated.
2. Sexual Health
Even though sex is talked about more now than ever, women are still not enjoying sex the way they should be. As a result, women are still reporting low sexual satisfaction and an inability to reach orgasm. Thankfully, acupuncture may just be the answer.
Firstly, acupuncture creates a healthy hormonal response in the body. Then, it releases feel-good endorphins and increases circulation. Both of these factors are crucial to being able to orgasm. This healthy hormonal response is also linked to improved fertility and effective relief for menstrual cramping.
3. Beauty
Let’s start by chatting about derma-rolling. Have you ever heard of it? If not, derma-rolling or micro-needling involves rolling a handheld wheel containing hundreds of tiny needles across your skin, creating small punctures. Amazingly, it is a popular beauty treatment and science tells us that it works!
Acupuncture for beauty works the same way, but with additional benefits. Acupuncture needles placed in the skin encourage lymphatic drainage. Also, it increases collagen production and promotes healing. Along with these specific benefits, acupuncture’s positive effect on energy and hormones combine to give you a radiance that truly comes from inside. Acupuncture can ultimately be the skin makeover of your dreams! In closing, these three benefits only scratch the surface of how acupuncture can be used. It is a natural remedy to many women’s health issues. Before investing your time and money into other phony treatment options, talk to an acupuncturist about how they can help improve your health.
Looking for an acupuncturist in your area? Click here to get started!